Problems of intercultural communication and translation adaptation (From the example of the translation of the poem by heinrich heine "lorelei")


  • Lejla Satarova
  • Irina Kurmaeva


translation, adaptation, intercultural communication, education, foreign languages


The relevance of the problem under study is lies the fact   that the theory of translation as an independent scientific discipline, alongside with translation practice, gradually forms a more global discipline - the theory of intercultural communication. The aim of the article is to analyze translations of works by German writers, identifying the difficulties of adaptation and intercultural communication on the example of translations of Heinrich Heine’s poem “Lorelei”. The methods of the research are the study, analysis and synthesis of recent advances on the subject under study. The results of the research have theoretical and practical significance. The work systematizes and summarizes materials on the problems of translation of literary works that can be served as a basis for further research.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication