Implementation of conferences and video resources for training of students of humanitarian specialties


  • Nina Soboleva


student, university teacher, teaching English, open educational resource, academic discourse


This article gives an overview of modern Open Educational Resources, the materials of which can be used to teach English in academic discourse. Modern high-tech world places high demands on the education system: English language training meets these requirements. In this regard, the choice in favor of a certain method of teaching and educational resources plays an important role. Within the framework of the article, the prospects of the use of Open Educational Resources ("TED (x)", "TED Ed", "Vox" and "Coursera") in English classes with students of humanitarian specialties are considered.



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TED – открытый образовательный ресурс [Электронный ресурс] / Режим доступа:


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Vox – open online cource [Electronic resource] / Access mode: URL:





Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages