The use of tests in foreign languages for motivation in the competence approach


  • Tatiana Ivanova
  • Svetlana Kolpakova
  • Alexandra Yusupova


foreign language, university education, competence approach, teacher of the 21st century, quality assessment


The paper is devoted to the issues of working out the system for assessment of foreign language professional competencies as a means to   improve learners’ motivation and the quality of teaching foreign languages. The authors consider the issues of how test assessment appeared in the Russian   educational   system,   consider   questions   of   structure and specificity of test assessment for getting mid-course and end-of-course results of learning a foreign language for professional purposes, benefits and drawbacks of this system. The paper analyzes the various types of quality control of teaching foreign languages.

In considering this issue, the authors focused on the competence-based approach, which focuses on the practical skills necessary for future professionals. During the experiment it was evaluated, how the interest of students in the results of the learning process increases the formation of the competence of communication in a foreign language. This task today is a reference point for the teacher of the XXI century. According to the data, the improvement of motivation in the study of a foreign language leads to a progress in the results of the learning process, reflected in the number of correctly completed tasks.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages