Medical terminology as a way of metaphorization in social аnd political discourse


  • Anna Fominykh


socio-political discourse, medical terminology, metaphor, evaluative component, pragmatic impact


The article discusses the features of the medical terminology functioning in the socio-political discourse. It analyzes the mechanisms for creating figurativeness and metaphoricity by transferring the direct meaning of the medical term to concepts that are completely inherent, at first glance, not related areas of language functioning, such as socio-political discourse. The article also studies and classifies the types of metaphorical models in the process of human speech activity, reveals the characteristic features of the medical terminology use, analyzes the relevance of this terminology and the expediency of its use. In journalism and colloquial speech, the metaphor with the medical terminological component creates the value of a message due to the emerging associations caused by the figurative use of the word, which provides the most important function of both journalism and colloquial speech, persuasion and emotional impact. The metaphor complements the content of text and speech and introduces an evaluative component, while the medical terminology is a vocabulary layer well adapted to metaphorization. It makes up quite an extensive layer of commonly used vocabulary, regardless of medical knowledge, and thus contributes to the creation of figurativeness and metaphorical expressions with regard to pronounced pragmatics.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication