To the question of the lexico-semantic means of the linguocreative arsenal of a fashion blogger


  • Vladimir Elkin
  • Elena Melnikova


blogosphere, fashion blog, fashion blogger, lexical-semantic means


The article is devoted to the study of the constitutive lexico-semantic means of the fashion blog as one of the most popular forms of commercial self-realisation in the blogosphere and


a multi-faceted linguocommunicative phenomenon of the computer-mediated communication. During the research it is determined that the choice of linguocommunicative means of a fashion blogger is stipulated by the urgent imperative to create attractive content for a wide target audience with the help of linguocreative arsenal of language means with distinct expressive, emotional, evaluative, stylistic, pragmatic connotations performing the informative function transmitting the personal attitude of a blogger to the issues of a specific thematic focus, and aimed at motivating and stimulating the audience to perform certain actions of the commercial character.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication